Donald Trump just caved

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The thing about Donald Trump is that he caves under pressure a lot. He always has. He’s always been a tepid caver. When he was in office, he would often back down from his most ridiculous threats, and then try to save face by claiming he was never really going to do it, or pulling some other stunt to try to change the subject. Now Trump is caving yet again.

Yesterday the New York Times reported that Donald Trump was planning to hire unhinged far right extremist loon Laura Loomer as part of his (essentially imaginary) 2024 campaign. The idea that Trump would hire someone as far removed from reality as Loomer is all the proof you need that Trump isn’t actually focused on, you know, trying to run for anything or win anything. The only reason to hire Loomer is to appeal to the far right extremists who like her brand of nuttiness, so they’ll line Trump’s pockets with donations.

Yet now that there has been so much controversy since the news broke of Loomer’s hire, the New York Times has a followup report that Trump is not hiring her after all. That’s right, Trump has caved, and it took him all of one day. Trump caving is nothing new. But this time around it points to Trump not actually trying to win in 2024.

Think about it. If Trump were hiring Loomer because he thought she could help him win, why would he already be backing down just because of one bad news article? He was only hiring her to appeal to far right wackos so they’d line his pockets. Now that it’s looking like bad PR for him, he’s abandoning this PR stunt, because his entire 2024 “campaign” is just a PR stunt.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report