Donald Trump Jr. just gave something away

Donald Trump has a long history of tipping off that ugly news about him is about to break. The telltale sign is when he starts suggesting that whatever about him is about to surface, it’s only coming out for underhanded reasons. It’s a way of discounting the accusation without actually denying it.

Now it appears Donald Trump Jr. is following in his father’s footsteps, tweeting this: “Have heard from a few of my friends at Fox News that the leftist executives running things there are pissed at me for calling them out over firing Tucker and to ‘expect retaliation.'”

In other words, Trump Junior thinks that Fox News is about to break some ugly new story about him, and he’s trying to get out ahead of it by framing it as being retaliatory. Notably, he doesn’t say what the supposed story is, nor does he say whether it’s true or not.

Of course this could all just be in Donald Trump Jr.’s head. His recent public videos have been largely incoherent, conspiracy-riddled messes. It’s possible that nothing in his latest tweet is even real. But if it is, then Junior just unwittingly tipped off that some ugly story about him is about to break.

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