Donald Trump is losing his grip on everything

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After being reelected to the governorship of Kentucky, Andy Beshear said: “Candidates should run for something and not against someone.” He has gotten that state through so much: Covid 19, devastating floods and tornadoes, and economic development projects he began during his first term. Beshear is a shining example of what a governor should do for the people of his state. Alternatively, Mississippi-the poorest state in the nation-decided to keep “the devil they know,” but success is based on risk. It seems they are not willing to take that risk but give them credit for making it close.

Democrats plowed down Republicans in Tuesday’s races. Ohioans know what Republicans want-to take over and rule their lives. They overwhelmingly passed a referendum to guarantee abortion access in their state. Abortion rights were silently on the table in Virginia, where Democrats have flipped control of the entire state Legislature. Now, that’s how you do it. Stand up for your rights in the face of those who want to take them away. We should study these lessons and ensure that other red states follow suit. Republicans are useless; who wants them leading their states or, for that matter, the country?

We could well be witnessing the beginning of a “blue wave” for 2024. While Trump-like Glenn Youngkin continues as governor of Virginia, he’s going to have a hard time dealing with a majority Democratic legislature. They are certainly not going to adopt his “15-week abortion” policy. Abortion will likely remain in the forefront in all upcoming elections. While Republicans say out of one side of their mouths that they support smaller government, the other side has no qualms about interfering in people’s personal lives, and people want no part of what they’re peddling. That can be made no clearer than by Ohio’s vote on abortion. Ohio is a state carried by Donald Trump and elected a Republican governor and senator. It is also the home of loud-mouthed, do-nothing rep Jim Jordan. Their vote on the abortion issue, however, is the exact opposite of what any of these Republicans want.

Abortion is a testy issue on both sides and is the reason Republicans stacked the Supreme Court. While they won by having Roe v. Wade overturned, they cannot win the issue in individual state races. The fight for abortion rights is not going away anytime soon. Look at Kansas and Kentucky, both as red as red can be, yet they have passed pro-abortion rights referendums.

Beshear was helped in Kentucky by his opponent-Daniel Jay Cameron-a Black MAGA Republican. Who would trust this man who must have all his senses turned off if he supports Donald Trump? You also never know when people claim to support something because it will get them elected. Either way, Kentuckians soundly rejected him. MAGA and Donald Trump are slowly losing their grip, and Chris Christie said it best when he said that Cameron’s loss is a “verdict on politicians who sell their soul to Donald Trump.” Republicans can lay their losses right at Trump’s feet while the rest of us celebrate the return of democracy.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report