Donald Trump is in total chaos tonight

It’s difficult to believe that it was just twelve hours ago when Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he was asking the courts to unseal the search warrant of Donald Trump’s home. Since that time the Washington Post has reported that the Feds were looking for stolen classified nuclear secrets when they entered Trump’s home.

Now Trump has until tomorrow to file in opposition to the release of the warrant, but now that the nuclear cat is out of the bag, is there any point in trying to suppress it? To give you an idea of just how chaotic things are for Trump tonight, within the past few minutes CNN has run a chyron saying that Trump plans to oppose the motion, and MSNBC has reported that Trump has decided not to oppose the motion. It’s doubtful that either network has gotten the story wrong; it’s more likely that Trump and his legal team are in such chaos, they keep flip flopping and announcing opposing strategies in real time.

Best we can tell, Trump has (for now) landed on the position that he will not oppose the public release of the warrant. He still has several hours to change his mind again before the court deadline. But with his lawyers having already vaguely suggested to the media that the then-unidentified classified information was planted in his house by the FBI, at this point Trump’s only remaining strategy may be to let the public see all the gory details of the warrant, so that he can claim it’s all planted or “fake news” or whatever gibberish he might want to throw at the wall.

But the reality is that there is no right move for him at this point, which is probably why he keeps flip flopping. Once everyone knows that you’ve been caught stealing nuclear secrets, it’s all over for you either way.

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