Donald Trump is in hiding

Labor Day is both an important national holiday and a crucial opportunity for political candidates to go out and try to make their case to pro-labor voters. Accordingly, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and nearly all of their major surrogates are out on the campaign trail today.

Then there’s Donald Trump, who’s apparently gone into hiding. Trump is nowhere to be seen today. Nor is his running mate JD Vance. They’ve both vanished, at a time when they should be out there taking advantage of the Labor Day opportunity.

It really does underscore the point I made a few days ago, which is that it doesn’t appear Trump is even trying to win. He may think that sitting home and drawing mustaches on pictures of Kamala Harris on social media means he’s trying to win. But really, he’s not doing anything to help himself at all. So let’s take advantage of the opportunity and put in the work and run up the score!

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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