Replacing Merrick Garland

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One particular subject matter is starting to appear in many media articles. It is fun to think about, and if — no WHEN — Harris wins as we know she will, this question will become front and center: Who will replace Merrick Garland?

I see articles about this daily .Now, Garland may replace Garland with — Garland. Meaning that Kamala could choose to keep him. But if she DOESN’T — well — quite a few names are pouring forth. It might be rather fun to look at some of these names.

Roy Cooper, the governor of North Carolina, is term-limited and is good friends with Harris. They go way back. Cooper has also developed a reputation for outstanding governance, so he could be a contender. Cooper was also considered as Harris’s running mate before taking himself out.

Tish James. Many are talking about her; after all, she secured a Trump conviction and is known as a tough-take-no-prisoners leader. I must admit I adore this potential pick!

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healy is also being buzzed about. She is also a former state attorney general.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco’s name is in the mix, as is Sally Yates, whom Democrats adore after she refused to defend Trump’s Muslim ban.

Doug Jones was considered in 2020 and may be considered again. He is the former Alabama senator who beat Roy Moore and has experience prosecuting the KKK.

Josh Shapiro. The Pennsylvania Governor is adored by his constituents and almost became Harris’ running mate,

Jack Smith. Believe it or not, I have heard his name mentioned numerous times. Would you love to see that? However, I think that might be a bit of a long shot.

Who would be YOUR favorite for AG IN a Harris administration? Let us know in the comment section.

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