Donald Trump is “grotesque”

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The glittering Crown Jewel of the Democratic Party has spoken! And what she has to say did not make Donald Trump very happy at ALL. I refer to Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi spoke to Newsweek and held nothing back in her opinion of Donald Trump, which I’m sure we ALL agree with.

“He’s grotesque!” Pelosi said. Ah — such a perfect fit of a word to describe he who tried to bring down America. Grotesque. Yes, I truly believe there should be a picture of Trump’s mug shot next to the definition of Grotesque in dictionaries far and wide.

Pelosi said a Trump Presidency would never happen. “I’ll tell you what I say to them, it’s not going to happen,” Pelosi said. Now, here we come to the hilarious part. (There is ALWAYS a hilarious part where chief dunder-brain is concerned.)

The Trump campaign responded to Nancy’s comments. “Does Nancy Pelosi know where she is half the time?” Oh wow! That’s like a serial killer remarking on someone who jay-walked. Allow me to answer the Trump campaign. Pelosi does NOT know where she is half the time. She knows where she is ALL the time.

Unlike your criminal of a candidate — your grotesque birdbrain of a monster you choose to stand behind, Pelosi has ALL the mental awareness she needs. In fact, she could run circles around a 20-year-old.

YOUR candidate, however, is awash in confusion as he regularly shows people in his now almost daily mental meltdowns. I’d like to thank Nancy for her words. GROTESQUE. Such a fitting word to describe such an asshole. Donnie the grotesque. I think I like it.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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