Donald Trump has utterly deranged meltdown after he realizes how irrelevant he’s become

In spite of all the hype we’ve heard throughout 2021 about how Donald Trump was still hiding behind every dark corner and was somehow going to make some kind of comeback, the reality all year has been that he’s simply not relevant. January 6th, and his resulting social media ban, finished off whatever faint hope he might have had for 2024. Now he sits at home, wishing he were still relevant, rarely showing his face, coming off poorly when he does, and periodically releasing “press releases” that just make him look sad.

We take a pass on most of Trump’s “press releases” because they’re irrelevant generic noise. But tonight Trump released a statement that seemed to give something away. In it he angrily ranted and raved about how no one has been willing to take him up on his earlier offer to hold a public debate on who really won the 2020 election. That whining sound you’re hearing off in the distance is the sound of irrelevance.

What Trump doesn’t appear to realize is that with this press release he’s giving away that he knows he’s become too irrelevant for anyone to care what he has to say anymore. The media, as much as it misses the automatic ratings he used to generate, has shown zero interest in trying to put together some kind of Trump debate. The Democrats are too focused on using the January 6th Committee to finish him off. And Republican leaders seem to be wishing he’d croak already, so they can move on.

Donald Trump is now insisting that he’s a victim of “cancel culture.” That’s true, on some level. He tried to treasonously overthrow an election result, and when that didn’t work he incited a domestic terrorist attack, and now – not shockingly – he’s been canceled. But Trump isn’t a victim in any sense of the word. He’s the most egregious villain and criminal in American history, and for now he’s being punished with irrelevance even as he’s in the process of being punished by congressional and criminal investigators. To borrow Trump’s own words, he’s a loser. Sad!

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