Donald Trump has his most self-destructive meltdown yet over Fulton County grand jury

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In my work, I often speak of Icarus, using this story as a sort of warning for many politicians (all of them Republicans) as an example of what can happen when one flies too close to the sun. Now, Trump is no Icarus. This is because Icarus, of course, had human decency. He made a split-second decision to fly too close to the sun, thus falling downward. And yes, that was hubris, but that did not make him evil. But Donald Trump has made a decision too. And his fall might be from freedom — to prison. This is because Trump is getting dangerously close, not to the sun, but to witness tampering.

On Monday, Trump came out against Geoff Duncan, testifying to the Georgia Grand Jury. In a foolish move, Trump posted on truth social, saying Duncan should not testify. Gee — you think this guy’s got a bit of self-sabotage in him? “I am reading reports that failed former Governor of Georgia, Jeff Duncan, will testify before the Fulton County Grand Jury.”

“He shouldn’t. I barely know him, but he was right from the beginning of this witch hunt, a nasty disaster for those looking into the election fraud in Georgia.” Can’t the man ever shut up? I’m serious. He’s like a windup doll, always coming out with the same stupid excuses. But publicly demanding a witness not testify?

That will not likely make prosecutors happy. Trump however doesn’t seem to care. Or perhaps he is too stupid to grasp all the trouble he is in. Trump will never own any of his mistakes such as this, never listen to his lawyers, never hear what he does not want to hear, and never will change.

Had Trump been Icarus, had HE been the one to fall from the sun, he’d have denied the fall ever happened, talked about what a great flier he was and how how he had the biggest, best wings ever. That is Trump in a nutshell.

This refusal to admit fault in virtually any situation is part of the demise that has engulfed him. Trump had many options. He still has some. He could try to take a plea deal, in one or more cases against him. He could project some humility and apologize.

It will never happen because of his utterly self-centered narcissistic denial of reality. If Trump would listen to his advice-givers and mull over what they say to him, he could make things at least a bit better for himself.

But trapped in a state of denial, where in his delusional mind, he always knows best, he just keeps flying closer and closer to prison. He’s about to find out the hard way that his deep and seemingly unending denial will not lead him anywhere except to the one place he does not want to be — a cell.

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