Donald Trump has complete meltdown

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When you base your entire strategy for “winning” your criminal trial around keeping the trial from ever happening, suffice it to say that you’ve failed once the trial jury has been fully seated against you.

This seems to be sinking in for Donald Trump, who posted this unhinged all caps meltdown after the jury plus all alternates were seated on Friday afternoon: “THIS SCAM ‘RUSHED’ TRIAL TAKING PLACE IN A 95% DEMOCRAT AREA IS A PLANNED AND COORDINATED WITCH HUNT.”

The funny part is that Trump was previously whining about how his trial should have happened a long time ago, and that the timing meant it was a conspiracy against him. Now he’s turning around and whining that the trial is happening too quickly. This guy doesn’t even know what he’s trying to argue.

In any case, Trump now seems to fully understand that he’s going to be convicted in this trial. If he thought there was any chance he was going to win, he’d be talking about how he’s going to win. Instead he’s surrendering already and making excuses.

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