Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown after his last ditch Manhattan grand jury stunt fails

If you still can’t figure out what Donald Trump was hoping to accomplish by sending an unhinged Robert Costello to deliver conspiracy theory drivel to the Manhattan grand jury, that’s because there was no plan. It’s clear now that Trump was just making a desperation move that even he didn’t think would really work, because he couldn’t stand to sit there and do nothing while he’s indicted.

Michael Cohen has since publicly announced that the Manhattan DA didn’t even feel compelled to bring Cohen back as a rebuttal witness against Costello. In other words, Costello’s testimony was that ineffective. Now it appears to be hitting Trump that his last ditch effort failed.

Trump is now screaming things on his own social network along the lines of “If disbarred and fully discredited lawyer Michael Cohen is not indicted for PERJURY, THEN PERJURY DOES NOT EXIST!” Uh, yeah, that’s it. Cohen is the one who’s going to be indicted now. Sure, Donald. That’s how far down the rabbit hole Trump is.

Donald Trump is also frantically pushing the notion that the Manhattan DA is somehow a puppet of everyone from Hillary Clinton to George Soros, and that “even Democrats” don’t want Trump indicted. But none of this is in any way going to help Trump’s situation. He’s in the criminal justice system now. It’s an arena he’s never had to operate in before. He has no experience at navigating it, and no clue – and it’s showing.

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