Donald Trump has berserk “STARTLING EVENT” meltdown

Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx this weekend was, by any objective measure, a joke. Attendance was light. Most of the faces in the crowd were white, meaning they didn’t even live in the Bronx. And Trump’s speech was nothing more than a series of senile moments.

Trump is lucky that the media mostly ignored his Bronx rally, instead of talking about how Trump was unable to draw almost any attendees who actually lived in the Bronx, or how Trump’s dementia is getting even worse.

But Trump is of course upset that his embarrassing rally isn’t being hailed as some kind of watershed moment. He posted this on social media: “THIS WAS A BIG, IMPORTANT, AND EVEN STARTLING EVENT, AND YET MUCH OF THE LAMESTREAM NETWORK MEDIA REFUSED TO COVER IT. Gee, I wonder why???”

What stands out here is that Trump’s handlers clearly told him that his failed rally was a huge success, and given how deep into dementia he is, he simply accepted it. He was too far gone to realize that the crowd size was small, that people kept leaving during his speech, and that he failed to attract the Black audience that the rally was supposed to deliver.

At this point Trump is so far gone, his babysitters could probably convince him of anything. The sky is purple. Yellow is green. Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. Wait, he already believes that last one.

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