Donald Trump has a whole new Jeff Sessions problem

Super Tuesday was exciting or disappointing, depending on which presidential candidate you have been favoring. But unless you think men who chase girls in shopping malls should represent Americans in the United States Senate, a certain down ballot development should come as welcome news. Credibly accused pedophile Roy Moore finished a distant fourth in yesterday’s Republican primary, earning a pitiful 7% of his party’s support. In other words, Moore is finally toast.

In December 2017, Moore battled Doug Jones in a special election for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacated Senate seat, even as creepy revelations and accusations of sexual misconduct chased him. Jones managed to pour a refreshing pail of blue water over ruby red Alabama, narrowly winning the election while sparing us the nightmare of an empowered, off-the-rails Senator Moore. Jones, who became the first Democrat to represent Alabama in the U.S. Senate in 25 years, ran uncontested in yesterday’s primary while the Republicans are now headed to a runoff. Although Jones’ opponent is not yet known, we at least know it won’t be Moore.

Almost a year ago, Palmer Report told you that a poll of Alabama Republicans named Moore as their clear favorite in this race. However, we emphasized that the poll also put Moore’s unfavorable rating far higher than any other potential challenger, which meant that Moore should have quit while he was behind. Instead, Moore only made things worse for himself by staying in the race and suffering a humiliating loss last night.

In the meantime, Sessions, who wants his old seat back, just got tackled. Sessions came in a close second in yesterday’s primary, losing to former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville. Because neither Sessions nor Tuberville came anywhere near securing a majority of votes (they both finished in the low 30s), they will compete again in a runoff on March 31. In the meantime, Jones is continuing working for the American people in the Senate while getting his pail of blue water ready for November. It’s high time for a thunderous blue wave.

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