Donald Trump goes utterly berserk after Fulton County DA empanels special grand jury to take him down

When Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis met with Donald Trump’s criminal defense attorneys weeks ago, ostensibly to inform them that she intends to indict Trump, Trump reacted with a bonkers “statements” about how the Democrats want to put everyone in prison. Now that the DA is empaneling a special grand jury to speed up the process, Trump is going totally ballistic.

We usually just ignore Trump’s histrionic statements these days, because they’re not worthy of coverage. But in rare instances when Trump is reacting directly to the news that he’s moving closer to a prison cell, it can be useful to take a peek at what’s going through his head.

In something that sounds straight out of the Onion but is in fact real, Donald Trump said this in response to the prospect of being criminally indicted in Georgia for election tampering: “My phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia was perfect, perhaps even more so than my call with the Ukrainian President, if that’s possible.” No really, he said this.

So there you have it. Donald Trump has become a sad broken parody of himself, unable to come up with new material, unwilling to even try to take his dimming prospects seriously, and simply foaming at the mouth like a psychotic two year old. He’ll only deteriorate further as he moves even closer to prison.

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