Donald Trump goes on manically unhinged ninety minute tirade

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It was a gathering like no other.
An event was taking shape in Palm Beach, Florida, the lavish palace of the top one percent. This event featured as its star, an insurrectionist, traitor, and king — king of losers.

It happened Saturday afternoon. Saturdays are supposed to be about fun in the sun in Florida. However, none of the people at this gathering appeared to be having fun.

This is because of their host, a gigantic, senile orange fly who would not or could not stop his insatiable buzzing nor tamp down his unending pools of rage, which were so damn LOUD; it’s a wonder it didn’t knock over a palm tree or two.

CNN’s Alayna Treene reported that Trump went on a 90-minute tirade. “Profanity-laden.” Donald Trump, it seems, just could not control his rage. This is no surprise. If there is one thing the man has shown us, it’s that he has no control over anything anymore, including himself.

“Gestapo.” Trump was very drunk – on fury. This led him to act out in the only way a poisonous psychopath CAN.

Trump reportedly equated the Biden administration with the Gestapo. NBC News is reporting that Trump said the following:

“These people are running a Gestapo administration. And it’s the only thing they have.”

Trump also referred to Biden as “The Manchurian candidate.” OK. Let’s break down this sane and Presidential rant together. What this shows us is:

1) Trump can’t control his anger at all anymore.

2) Trump is projecting again. Remember — the one way to understand Donald Trump is to rake what he says and apply his name.

“Trump is running a gestapo administration., It’s the only thing he has.”

“Trump is a Manchurian candidate.”

These statements are much more truthful than Trump’s. Donald Trump’s out-of-control behavior also shows that he is scared. I wonder what these high-net-worth donors thought while watching him.

Palm Beach is a city that shines with cleanliness. It looks like the type of place where guard dogs stand watch guarding against any dirt, clutter, and uncleanliness entering the city limits..

Unfortunately, one bit of dirt, clutter, and uncleanliness got in, and now this bag of dirt has lit up the streets of Palm Beach with grime. Something tells me the donors at this event will not be happy with THIS one.

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