Donald Trump goes off the senile deep end

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I am what many might call, a list maker. I make lists of virtually everything: what to shop for, what books I’m reading. Lists are my friends, and they also seem to be big friends to Star Wars Actor Mark Hamill.

I say this because Hamill has been keeping a list, and it is far less mundane than some of mine. For example, he’s been keeping a Donald Trump list! It’s true. Hamill has devoted his exciting list to a list of Trump word salads sprinkled with hilarity, with a few nuts thrown in for good measure.

And Hamill seems to list so many of them! Who would have guessed that Mark Hamill has been paying this much attention to Trump? It’s all for a good cause, though. Hamill says Trump’s made-up words are fun, and I agree. They’re fun in the same way wandering through Disney World is fun. They bring out one’s inner child, and laughter is CERTAINLY the name of the game with this list.

So, on with it! Below, I have offered some of the best of the Hamill list. These do, of course, come straight out of the mixed up world of Donald John Trump:




SMOCKING (for smoking.)

FRORIDA for Florida

MELANIE (For Melania, but let’s also remember Mercedes.)

INFAIR for unfair

SHOEBIZ for Showbiz (I am particularly fond of this one. Picture an actor saying “I’m in the showbiz business.”)

LEIGHTWEIGHT for lightweight.

GREST for great

UPRESIDENTED for unprecedented

HAMBERDERS for hamburgers

“This is merely a partial list,” he explained.

The actor labeled his list “The best words.”

My favorite is still the inexplicable “type the lights out.” But no worries. Pick a favorite. Hamill also remarks that we have plenty more to look forward to — probably the ONLY thing to look forward to where Donald Trump is concerned.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Click Here