Donald Trump goes off the delusional deep end as he realizes it’s all over for him

In spite of endless media prognostications (and perhaps even his own belief) that he could somehow magically keep himself from ever being criminally indicted, Donald Trump has indeed been indicted and arrested in Manhattan. This has surely forced him to realize that he’s going to end up indicted and arrested in the Fulton County and DOJ cases as well.

Worse for Trump, his Manhattan indictment hasn’t boosted his poll numbers at all. He’s still stuck at the same 55% in 2024 Republican primary polling. That’s a very tenuous position to be in. He’ll obviously lose some support once Republican primary voters outside his base start to question whether it’s smart to keep supporting a guy who may not even be available for the general election. Trump needed his numbers to go up now, before they inevitably start going down. That didn’t happen.

So Trump is doing what he increasingly does these days: he’s just making it up. Trump is now quoting a fake new poll on his social network which claims that over the past two months his favorability numbers have somehow surged by double digits. Trump is even claiming that his favorability among Democrats has gone up by 15% since February. This is laugh out loud hallucinatory stuff. Unless you’re Trump and this is all you have left to cling to, in which case it’s just sad. He knows deep down that it’s all over for him.

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