Donald Trump basically just admitted he’s not actually going to run for President in 2024

Donald Trump will not be running for President in 2024. Putting aside the strong possibility of his being in prison, the orange monster has announced he’d not run if “his health deteriorates.”
And this is once again a situation that Palmer Report called. For some time, it has been apparent that Trump’s health isn’t what it once was. All one has to do to know this is listen to him speak – as dreadful a task as that might be.
Voices can tell one a great deal. The texture, tone, and quality of one’s voice often tell a story. What does one hear when the monster speaks? There is no affect. His affect is flatter than a Kansas sunflower field. His voice is tired; it reeks of exhaustion.
It is robotic and without any texture. It is the voice of a tired, sad sack, a faint angry pout is often heard, but the arrow is out of quivers.
Trump would never even THINK about making a statement such as this if he were not already focused on his health. Why on earth would he?
These words Trump uttered came from an interview with Real Clear Politics. Here is exactly what he said: “Well, one reason could be your health. You get a call from your doctor, and that’s the end of that.”
Some might take this with a grain of salt. I don’t. I think it’s fair to say Trump will not be a contender in 2024 — not that he ever really was.
This is something the media turned into a story to generate ratings. And I’m sure Trump will continue to solicit donations on an “I might run” platform. This is because — Trump has no ability to love — except for in one case.
Trump doesn’t love the red or the blue or the purple. He loves the green — money. Money has always been not just his first love but his only love. So this sham will continue as Magas everywhere eagerly hand over the green. But do not be fooled. The days of Trump being part of politics are long over..