Donald Trump is hiding a dirty little secret

Donald Trump is hiding a dirty little secret that will end with his imprisonment. For someone who sold out his country years ago, Trump has continued to pretend to work towards “America First,” despite all evidence to the contrary. While it is clear that Trump illegally inherited nearly half a billion dollars, the facts prove that Trump would be practically broke, if not for assistance from the mob.

Despite the mainstream media continually refusing to espouse the fact that Trump is owned by the mafia, the facts remain the same. According to a recent article in the Washington Post, Trump is literally owned by the mafia. As stated by Craig Unger, the former deputy editor of the New York Observer, “for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties.”

As he goes into his reelection campaign, Trump’s previous actions do not disappear. His life, as a member of the mob, are again well documented by Jeff Stein, a columnist who covers spy agencies and national policy topics, who has stated “The Trump Organization had long been awash in illicit Russian money, author Craig Unger claimed in a 2018 book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. “It started out as a simple money-laundering operation at Trump Tower in 1984, when a Russian mobster came to Trump Tower with $6 million in cash and bought five condos.”

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