Deranged monster Donald Trump has evil meltdown about conditions in his concentration camps

Just yesterday, Palmer Report pointed out that while Donald Trump usually defends his scandalous and criminal behavior in cartoonish fashion on Twitter, he’s largely pretended that his ghoulish immigrant concentration camps don’t exist. After all, how does one even go about trying to defend a move that’s straight out of Hitler’s playbook? Kids are dying in Trump’s camps, meaning Trump is a murderer of children. But, as if on cue, Trump finally decided to defend his evil today, in a manner which only the worst human being on the planet could even come up with.

Donald Trump posted a lengthy rant today about his concentration camps, but here’s the passage that matters: “Many of these illegals aliens are living far better now than where they came from, and in far safer conditions.” Nevermind Trump’s “illegals aliens” typo; that’s not the point here. Trump just insisted that his camps, whose conditions are so hellish that people are dying from neglect and abuse, are somehow better than freedom.

This is straight out of Nazi Germany, from the abuses to the justification. Just for uttering these words, Donald Trump needs to be sent to prison for the rest of his life. In fact he deserves to be locked up in one of his own camps – but we can’t do that, because the Constitution forbids such cruel punishment.

In any case, anyone still standing with Donald Trump is a Nazi, a scumbag, a murderer, a child abuser, a psychopath, and needs to be locked up themselves. There’s no middle ground here. Either you’re with the human race, or you’re with Donald J. Hitler and his Nazi border patrol agents. God is watching, the whole world is watching, and history is watching. Trump is going to prison – and so are his co-conspirators.

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