Russia confirms it has 2013 Miss Universe dirt on Donald Trump

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Despite the constant propaganda spewed by conservative media, some of them doing it for their personal well-being, the facts are clear. Donald Trump sold out America when he accepted the quid pro quo with Vladamir Putin to steal the 2016 election. While still possessing an audience willing to listen to his long-debunked lies, Sean Hannity continues to push conspiracy theories in an effort to save himself. That effort will ultimately result in exactly the same outcome as it does for the person he is claiming to defend.

New evidence shows Hannity’s effort was all for naught. As Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues to zero in on Trump, there is a good chance Hannity will further exacerbate his false claims against proven and trustworthy members of the FBI, and it will result in his eventual conviction for multiple crimes. A prominent Russian lawyer has announced on Australian television that the Steele Dossier, something Hannity denounces multiple times every hour, is being proven more and more accurate every day. Russian attorney, Ivan Pavlov, stated that Putin does indeed possess incriminating and embarrassing information on Trump from his 2013 trip to Moscow.

As Pavlov was recently awarded the Award for Extraordinary Activism by Human Rights Watch, his accusations seem incredibly sound. Pavlov’s statements concerning the massive arrests by Putin following the release of the Steele Dossier only help to make his cause. Putin is clearly upset and afraid of what details might further come out. Following the recent poisoning of an ex-Russian spy, many nations are instituting sanctions against Russia. Even the Trump administration was forced to make moves in an effort to appear in lockstep with our allies, despite further evidence showing Trump is allowing Russia to replace the spies being evicted.

When viewed through a clear lens, it’s more evident than ever that Donald Trump fears upsetting Putin, while attempting to look like something other than a simple puppet. Luckily for us, Robert Mueller knows way more than we do, and he is working while Trump is out golfing. This will further infuriate Hannity, and likely result in more conspiracy theories, but this madness appears to be coming to an apex, and when Mueller drops the next round of indictments we will hopefully be able to see further into this web of treasonous lies.

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