We told you Deutsche Bank is handing over Donald Trump’s tax returns

Earlier this week the New York Times revealed the shocking revelation – buried pretty far down in a lengthy and otherwise unremarkable article – that Deutsche Bank has multiple years of Donald Trump’s personal and business tax returns, and is turning them over to House Democrats.

Palmer Report made a point of highlighting this crucial information, and we pointed out that it explained why Trump had suddenly filed a belated lawsuit trying to stop Deutsche Bank’s cooperation with the House. Because so few others were talking about it, we faced the inevitable questions along the lines of “How can this be real if I’m not reading it anywhere else?” Nevermind, of course, that we had pointed right back to the New York Times paragraph we found it in. But now the story is finally getting wider coverage – and additional details are surfacing about it.

On Friday night, Rachel Maddow used her MSNBC show to highlight the fact that Deutsche Bank has Trump’s tax returns. She also added the new detail that Trump’s lawsuit is set to go before a judge on May 22nd. If the judge grant’s Trump’s request for an injunction, the bank’s cooperation with Congress will be held up while the legal process plays out in court. But if the judge denies Trump’s injunction, Deutsche Bank can immediately turn over Trump’s tax returns to House Democrats. Legal experts all seem to think that the judge will rule against Trump.

So we’re now less than three weeks away from House Democrats probably getting their hands on multiple years of Donald Trump’s tax returns, along with whatever ugly secrets they contain. In this case, we love saying that we told you so.

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