Brett Kavanaugh’s latest denial may have just caused new problems for him

Now that additional women are accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, he’s issued a defiant statement, insisting that he’s not going to withdraw from his nomination for the Supreme Court. This doesn’t tell us anything, as doomed nominees always insist they’re not going to withdraw right up until the moment they withdraw. But Kavanaugh’s specific words may have just created new problems for him.

Here’s the relevant passage from Brett Kavanaugh’s fairly lengthy statement today: “I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out.” The key word here is “coordinated.” He is, perhaps not surprisingly, trying to paint this as a conspiracy against him and that the women’s stories are all fake. But he’s also strongly implying that these various women who have come forward are working together to come up with fake stories against him.

Kavanaugh may not realize it, but he just set the stage for the Democrats – and for that matter the media – to poke giant holes in his argument. Where is this evidence that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, the unnamed woman represented by Michael Avenatti, and the unnamed woman reportedly talking with the Montgomery County police, are conspiring together? How do they supposedly know each other? How are they supposedly communicating? When and how did they plot all of this?

When you assert that you’re the victim of a coordinated conspiracy, you’re expected to provide at least some evidence that the people conspiring against you are in fact coordinating with each other. Brett Kavanaugh clearly has no such evidence, or he’d have included it with his statement. He’s simply accusing these women of working together to make up fake stories about him, because it sounds dastardly. It may end up backfiring on him. We’ll find out when Kavanaugh appears on Fox News at 7pm tonight.

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