Senate Democrats find new angle for exposing Brett Kavanaugh rape scandal

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Last night Senate Republicans began abandoning their original plan of ramming Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination through as quickly as possible, when they agreed to a delayed vote so that Kavanaugh and his accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, could both testify before the committee. Palmer Report pointed out that this would give Senate Democrats an additional week to help further expose the attempted rape scandal. Sure enough, they’ve already found a new angle today.

Ford is asserting that when Kavanaugh was attempting to rape her, a third person – Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge – was also in the room. In fact she says that Judge was the one who drunkenly broke it up. Judge says this never happened. However, he’s previously written a book about his high school years in which he acknowledged that he was a blackout drunk the entire time. He also made mention of his friend “Bart O’Kavanaugh” – clearly Brett Kavanaugh – being drunk.

Mark Judge would make for the worst character witness for Kavanaugh of all time. By his own admission, Judge has little recollection of the period, and therefore no credibility when it comes to denying that a specific drunken incident happened. In addition, if he testifies, the Senate Democrats can use their time to try to pick apart his denials about the incident and perhaps catch him in a lie. According to CNN, Democratic Senator Doug Jones is now calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena Judge to testify – and it just might work.

Doug Jones is one of a handful of red state Democrats in the Senate. He could boost his own odds of reelection if he votes for Brett Kavanaugh. That said, there is no way he’d do it unless the Republicans already had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, and there was no way of stopping it. That said, the GOP has to at least try to woo Jones. That means he has a bit of leverage over the Republicans who control the Senate Judiciary Committee. For that reason, they may end up having to subpoena Mark Judge to testify – and that would be a disaster for Kavanaugh. Judge seems to know this, as he quickly announced that he does not want to testify.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report