Dazed and confused

As the Nile River flows eternally into the sea, so Donald Trump’s senility flows eternally into our streams of consciousness. Trump is making increasingly bizarre statements.

It has gotten to the point where I actually wake up and think, “What idiotic statement will Trump make today?” People are also noticing. Take, for example, Trump’s bizarre reflections on — magnets. You read that correctly.

Who talks about MAGNETS when they’re trying to run for President? Donald Trump, evidently. And what he is saying about magnets makes no sense whatsoever. It happened once again in Iowa on Friday. I rarely print what Trump says word for word these days, but I do believe these remarks are worth seeing for oneself.

“Think of it, Magnets,” Trump started profoundly. “Now all I know about magnets is this. Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

“Why didn’t they use John Deere?” (a company). “Why didn’t they bring in the John Deere people? Do you like John Deere? I like John Deere.”

Will this be a song now: “I like John Deere. You like John Deere, everybody likes John Deere.”

What is this traitor TALKING ABOUT? I must quote the excellent writer Mark Twain here: “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”

Trump’s in denial. He is in major denial. And his denial is not just about his criminal cases and how much trouble he’s in. Trump is ALSO in denial about how utterly crazy he sounds, how very dazed and confused he really is.

Of course, Twitter was gleeful. Many comments were made, most of them garden varieties of the “Trump is senile” type. Ron Filipkowski of Meidas Touch summed it up perfectly: “The whole deal just short circuits into an addled sweaty mess.”

Indeed, it does. In the meantime, many are wondering what Trump’s next insane ruminations will be on. Frogs perhaps? One person predicted he’d talk about McDonald’s chicken nuggets versus their Cheeseburgers. Who knows?

When one is this dazed and confused, anything can fly out of their mouth at any time Perhaps even now, Trump is sitting around trying to make sense of magnets and water. Talk about dazed and confused!

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