Dark Brandon rises

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And so memorial day is upon us. Lots of people will be attending picnics and barbecues, having cookouts and seeing old friends and family. Lots of people will stand in remembrance. Memorial day is a lovely time. It also contains the first whisper of Summertime.

And we will be thinking and remembering. We will be thinking about our brave military. We will be thinking about the freedoms that we enjoy, because so many heroes fought the wars to give them to us: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

And we will be thinking about our wonderful presidents like John F. Kennedy who made the quote above. And we will think of other great former presidents like a Lincoln, and FDR and Barack Obama and our current President, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has always been there when we needed him. Dark Brandon will one day be the stuff of folktales, of history. People will look back and judge his presidency with approval. Perhaps he will be compared to FDR. He already is being compared to him by many.

I remember the good old days when we didn’t have cable news, when people got their politics through the reading of print newspapers, and watching one of three major TV stations. Life was a lot less lavish in those days, but no less beautiful. Social media didn’t exist. Insurrection did not exist in this country.

It was a simpler time that had a quiet beauty to it. But here we stand in 2023, and here we stand with pride, that we have a president who can more than hold his own against many of the magnificent leaders of the past.

And so I wish Palmer Report readers a wonderful memorial day weekend. I also wish President Biden and First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden a wonderful holiday weekend.

Let’s celebrate the good and be grateful for the fact that we have a wonderful president, a good and decent man who loves this country, and who loves us, and shows it in his actions every day.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report