Donald Trump cowers as everything hits the fan

Donald Trump has had a number of awful weeks since he illegitimately seized the presidency, but this week might be his worst to date – and it’s not even over yet. From his criminal scandals, to his personal scandals, to social movements that he’s firmly on the wrong side of, just about everything is going wrong for him this week that can go wrong. So how is Trump responding? By cowering.

Millions of Americans were in the streets today, protesting in favor of gun control, even as Donald Trump continues to align himself with the NRA. So what did Trump have to say about today’s events? Nothing. He hasn’t even tweeted today, beyond a single post about France that appears to have been penned by his handlers. Trump’s former mistress Stormy Daniels is about to blow the lid off their affair in a 60 Minutes interview tomorrow. Yet even as Melania Trump keeps finding ways to express her displeasure about it, Donald hasn’t said a single word about Daniels in the several weeks that the saga has been in the public view.

Trump has said nothing about Cambridge Analytica, the Trump campaign voter data firm that is now confirmed to have cheated on his behalf by stealing user data from fifty million Facebook users, and is suspected of having plotted with the Russians on his behalf as well. Trump has said nothing even as it’s been revealed that Robert Mueller has gained the cooperation of George Nader, who is in position to take down everyone from Erik Prince to Jared Kushner to Trump himself.

Sure, Donald Trump has posted a few resentful tweets about the Mueller investigation this week. And yeah, he’s fired a series of people who had nothing to do with the Trump-Russia investigation. But that’s the whole point. Trump is reduced to taking out his frustrations in ways that don’t help him, even as he once again hides out at Mar-a-Lago and reminds us how afraid he is of the people who can truly take him down.

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