Court approves overseas probe into Donald Trump

Donald Trump is under state criminal investigation in New York for financial fraud, in a probe that has already resulted in the criminal indictment of his Trump Organization. Trump is also under state criminal investigation in Georgia for election fraud. And recent testimony from former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen could end up triggering a federal criminal probe into Trump. Now Trump is facing criminal investigation in multiple countries.

There has long been debate in Scotland over how Donald Trump managed to come up with the money to buy certain golf properties within its borders. It’s always been suspected that the proceeds came from money laundering, but Scottish lawmakers have been debating whether to formally investigate.

Now a Scottish court has approved a judicial review into Donald Trump’s golf properties, according to major newspaper The Scotsman. Even if this isn’t the kind of probe that can directly result in criminal charges, it could result in Trump losing major assets at a time when his financial house of cards is in danger of crumbling.

Now that Trump is no longer shielded by the office of the presidency, investigations and probes are targeting him from all sides – and that now includes both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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