Colonel Vindman schools Donald Trump Jr.

Donald Trump Jr, a guy who has never displayed any competence on any topic that he’s ever run his mouth about, seems to think he’s an expert on just about everything. His brand of empty arrogance may appeal to right wing loons who look up to bullshitters. But in the real world, Junior’s tripe doesn’t fly.

When a Marine officer was relieved of duty for inappropriately running his mouth while in uniform, Donald Trump Jr tweeted this in response: “The woke generals can troll Tucker Carlson on twitter and pontificate about ‘white rage’ in front of Congress, but simply asking for accountability for their deadly mistakes…gets you fired. What a disgrace.”

Of course Donald Trump Jr knows nothing about how any of these things work. Retired Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman was happy to school him on the subject, tweeting “Since you have zero idea of how the military works. Service-members are expected to do the right thing, but in the right way. His remarks were compelling… maybe valid, but saying it in uniform & showing contempt for protected leaders is not good order & discipline.”

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