Chris Licht’s CNN dumpster fire just got even more ridiculous

After Kaitlan Collins’ disastrous performance in the Trump town hall, CNN has promoted her. She’s now getting a primetime show five nights a week, which of course no one will watch, because she just ruined her reputation. And of course no one is watching CNN anymore anyway, particularly in primetime, where its ratings have fallen to fourth place.

CNN CEO Chris Licht’s approach is now clear: anyone who goes along with his stupid ideas will get promoted… or at least survive the week. If Kaitlan Collins had any real integrity, she never would have agreed to host a “town hall” stacked with Trump supporters. But she did what her idiot boss wanted, and now she’s being rewarded for it.

In fairness to Collins, she’s not the only one selling pieces of her soul in order to remain in the new boss’ good graces. Longtime CNN host Anderson Cooper also willfully humiliated himself by publicly defending the Trump town hall, while lecturing the public for not wanting to watch it.

Everyone still working at CNN is in a no win situation. After CNN writer Oliver Darcy accurately criticized the Trump town hall, Chris Licht reportedly hauled him in and chewed him out for it. The message seems clear: if you want to survive at CNN right now, it’s not about being good at your job. It’s about going along with your failing new boss’ desperate and dumb moves. What a dumpster fire. No wonder CNN has fallen to fourth place.

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