Brett Kavanaugh chooses prison

Heading into today’s hearings, Palmer Report pointed out that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford had an ace card up her sleeve. If she didn’t like how the hearings went, or if the GOP decided to go ahead and put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, she could simply press charges against him in Montgomery County and put him on a path to prison. Kavanaugh’s only decent shot of avoiding that fate would have been to simply drop out.

Brett Kavanaugh gave an utterly deranged performance during his testimony today, screaming and crying and then screaming again, revealing himself in the process to be mentally unstable. It went about as poorly for him as possible, and if he had any common sense at all, he’d have promptly withdrawn himself from the nomination the minute he was finished testifying. Instead he’s chosen to keep his hat in the race.

So now we’ll see what the GOP Senate does. Tomorrow’s committee vote is almost irrelevant, as the holdout Republican Senators will vote “no” in the full Senate vote if they’re going to vote “no” at all. Certainly, Kavanaugh’s odds of being confirmed are a mere fraction of what they were when the day started. But whether he realizes it or not, he’s asking the GOP to help fit him for prison stripes.

We all saw the quiet confidence and fierce determinedness that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford demonstrated today. She’s come this far in the name of stopping Brett Kavanaugh. She’s already suffered severe damage to her life, yet she persists. Does anyone really think that she won’t press criminal charges if that’s what it takes to get Kavanaugh removed from the Supreme Court? Kavanaugh had his last chance tonight to walk away. He’s asking the GOP to go ahead and confirm him. We’ll see if they do. But if they do, they’re sending him to prison, because it’ll be Ford’s only remaining card to play, and she’ll play it. Kavanaugh just chose prison. He’ll be very lucky if the GOP sets him free by voting him down.

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