Bob Corker says he’s voting for Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s why it won’t impact the outcome.

Shortly after Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh gave a mentally unstable and borderline psychotic performance during today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Republican Senator Bob Corker announced on Twitter that he’ll be voting “yes” on Kavanaugh. This is absurd, outrageous, reckless, and expected. It also has no real impact on whether or not Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

Bob Corker and Jeff Flake always talk a good game when it comes to opposing Donald Trump’s treachery, but then they vote with Trump 100% of the time. They were both always going to vote for Brett Kavanaugh, because while neither is currently seeking reelection, they both have delusions of someday running for President of the United States – and winning the Republican nomination is literally impossible unless the conservative billionaire donors are on your side. This was never about Corker and Flake. It’s always been, and still is, all about Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

The Resistance has learned not to trust Collins and Murkowski to do the right thing simply for its own sake. But we’ve seen that they consistently vote in whatever manner they think gives them the best shot at reelection. They’re not loyal to America, but they’re not loyal to their own Republican Party, either. They both cast deciding votes to save Obamacare. Collins cast the deciding vote to initiate the Trump-Russia investigation in the Senate Intelligence Committee. Collins and Murkowski only care about reelection, and nothing else, and they don’t much care about hurting Mitch McConnell’s feelings.

This is still all about Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Neither of them is on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is set to vote on Brett Kavanaugh tomorrow. If they kill this nomination, it’ll be during the full Senate vote. So why did Bob Corker, who is also not on the committee, announce tonight that he’ll be voting “yes” in the full Senate? Probably to take the heat off his friend Jeff Flake, who is on the committee, and who will have to vote tomorrow. But tomorrow is a sideshow. This is still all about Collins and Murkowski. It was never about Flake and Corker.

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