Chelsea Clinton just destroyed Donald Trump

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Sometimes TV scheduling just works out in the most poetic way possible. With Donald Trump knee deep in a criminal scandal that’s getting him impeached and could end up landing him in prison, it just so happened that Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton were booked on the Stephen Colbert show on Monday night.

To give you an idea of how thoroughly the tables had turned, not long after Hillary and Chelsea took the stage, the crowd at the Colbert show began chanting “Lock him up” in reference to Donald Trump. Hillary did the bulk of the talking during the joint interview, but it was Chelsea who got off the best line of the evening.

When Stephen Colbert asked Chelsea Clinton about why Donald Trump is so obsessed with Hillary Clinton, even years after the election, Chelsea said this of Trump: “I think some days he thinks about her even more than I do.”

When Colbert asked what women they’ve recently been impressed by, Hillary Clinton said “Greta Thunberg.” This stood out, considering that Donald Trump recently took heat for making fun of Thunberg on Twitter. In any case, Hillary and Chelsea were on the Colbert show to promote their new book Gutsy Women.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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