Charges to come from Jack Smith

When I saw the news yesterday that Kenneth Chesebro had been following Alex Jones around the Capitol area on January 6th, my first thought was, okay, here come more Jack Smith indictments. Turns out I’m not the only one who sees it that way.

Two things jump out about this latest development for me. First, Jack Smith has already listed Chesebro as a co-conspirator and thus a de facto target for indictment in the fake elector plot – meaning Smith is already all over this guy and probably already knows about his involvement with Jones. Second, Smith is reportedly targeting people like Jones, who were at the Trump world “command center” leading up to January 6th, with the help of Jones’ sidekick who flipped last month.

Now legal expert Andrew Weissman has stated his view that there are “Charges to come, one [would] expect” based on this news. And I think he pretty much has to be correct. Jack Smith has always been investigating two January 6th criminal plots.

The first plot was the fake elector scheme itself. The second plot was the Capitol riot which used violence to try to pressure Congress into succumbing to the fake elector scheme. The question has always been just how much these two plots overlapped, and what the conduit was between them. Now it turns out the two plots involved the same person in Chesebro.

Are we to believe that Chesebro played a key role in conspiring with Trump and the others in on the fake elector scheme, and then totally on his own, also just happened to play a key role in conspiring with Alex Jones and the others in the Capitol riot scheme? The question is going to be who, if anyone, Chesebro was taking orders from when he decided to go follow Jones around on January 6th. And Jack Smith probably has that answer already.

We were already at a point where it wouldn’t be surprising if Jack Smith spit out indictments against the “command center” participants at any moment. Now that it appears the fake elector plot and the Capitol riot plot may have indeed been one big combined plot complete with a go-between, it seems even more likely that Smith will end up bringing the “command center” indictments sooner rather than later.

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