A whole lot of Robert Mueller’s cards are suddenly showing

If there’s one thing we all know about Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it’s that he keeps all his cards close to the vest, so he can catch his targets utterly by surprise when he comes out of nowhere and makes his biggest moves. Yet there are times when even he can’t keep something secret, because a court filing is made public, or a witness goes running to the media, or so on. But that tends to happen with Mueller only on occasion. That’s what makes this week’s revelations all the more surprising.

Earlier this week we learned from the media that Robert Mueller had recently brought in Steve Bannon to testify against Roger Stone. So who let that cat out of the bag? It could have been leaked by anyone, including Bannon, in an effort at looking cooperative. But then today we learned that Mueller has emails between Bannon and Stone that make them both look very guilty of conspiring against the United States. So who would leak that? Not Bannon. Not Stone. But that’s just the half of it.

This week the media managed to figure out that Mueller has been engaged in a secret two month court battle against an unknown adversary, and the courts are treating the proceedings with such unusual importance, it suggests the adversary may be Donald Trump himself. So did the media finally get lucky on this, after Mueller had been sneaking around in plain sight for months? Did the media just happen to trip over the Bannon interview, and the evidence against Bannon?

Maybe. The other explanation would be that Robert Mueller – who has clearly been periodically leaking things on purpose for strategic reasons, despite the oft-stated mantra that he never leaks anything – has been making it easy for the media to “uncover” these things because he’s preparing the public for what’s about to happen. Either way, a whole lot of Mueller’s cards are suddenly showing, and that strongly suggests that he’s very close to playing his hand against Donald Trump.

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