Caitlyn Jenner has only been a candidate for one day and she’s already crashing and burning

Caitlyn Jenner is running for Governor of California because if the Trump era taught us one thing, it’s that you put a clueless former reality show star with extremist right wing views in charge of the government, things go great! Wait, that can’t be right. But Jenner is officially running for office nonetheless, and let’s just say that it’s already going wrong for her.

On Saturday night, Caitlyn Jenner posted this tweet: “This is horrible and also avoidable. Gavin’s District Attorneys across California are releasing dangerous criminals back on to our streets. Enough is enough.”

For starters, it’s false that California is “releasing dangerous criminals back on to our streets.” But this tweet is even more of an embarrassment, because the Governor doesn’t pick the District Attorneys; voters in individual districts do that. In other words, just like Trump, Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t have any idea how government works – she just wants to be in charge of it.

This went so poorly for Jenner, “District Attorneys” began trending on Twitter as everyone piled on about how ignorant and stupid her tweet was. Congressman Ted Lieu of California suggested that Jenner try watching Schoolhouse Rock to learn the basics of government.

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