But his emails!

When Hillary Clinton was running for President in 2016, the entire mainstream media spent the entire election cycle chasing ratings by pursuing an essentially imaginary email scandal. Clinton broke no laws, did nothing improper, wasn’t hiding anything, and there never was a story. But the media’s constant refrain of “…but her emails!” managed to drown out the criminal and treasonous scandals that were exploding around Donald Trump, and the nation suffered for four years as a result.

Now that Trump has been removed from office and is being criminally investigated by the Department of Justice for having tried to overthrow the United States government, there’s something fitting in that his path to prison may ultimately be made easier thanks to the emails and other electronic communications that his criminal co-conspirators treated so carelessly.

It turns out Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro, who helped craft the fake elector plan, used a secret White House email account to carry out this failed criminal plot. It must not have been that secret of an account, because the DOJ now knows about it and is attempting to obtain Navarro’s emails. He reportedly offered to turn over the emails in exchange for immunity, but the DOJ turned him down, meaning it thinks it can get the emails even without his help. Unlike Hillary Clinton, Peter Navarro tried to use an email scheme to hide criminal activity.

This comes even as at least three federal agencies deleted their January 6th-related text messages at the end of the Trump administration, in what has now become a criminal matter. Unlike Hillary Clinton, the Trump regime has wiped devices in an attempt at obstructing justice.

And of course there’s Trump stooge Alex Jones, whose lawyers accidentally turned over his January 6th-related text messages to opposing counsel, meaning they’ll soon be in the hands of the January 6th Committee and the DOJ. Unlike the false accusation that disgraced former FBI Director James Comey hurled at Hillary Clinton, it’s Trump’s people who are being “extremely careless” with their electronic communications.

The “Hillary Clinton email scandal” was always a fictional story, from top to bottom. It was manufactured by the Republicans to try to win an election, and it was dishonestly embraced by the media (on the left and right) because it was good for ratings at the time. It directly resulted in a psychotic traitor becoming President of the United States, and it turns out that traitor and his people actually did all the things with their electronic communications that Hillary Clinton was falsely accused of having done. Trump and his people are headed for prison. But the media never did apologize for its role. “But her emails!”

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