Donald Trump goes even more bizarrely off the rails

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“President” Donald Trump continues to try to track down the person or persons who have released his schedules that are filled with “executive time” because apparently he does not like being outed as a lazy person occupying the White House. On Monday he took to Twitter to attack critics, tweeting:

“No president ever worked harder than me (cleaning up the mess I inherited)!” … “The Democrats are so self righteous and ANGRY! Loosen up and have some fun. The Country is doing well!”

These tweets followed his normal proverbial BS-fest on weekends. On Sunday, Trump somehow tried to assert that he is the hardest working president, tweeting: “The media was able to get my work schedule, something very easy to do, but it should have been reported as a positive, not negative. When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any past President. The fact is, when I took over as President, our Country was a mess. Depleted Military, Endless Wars, a potential War with North Korea, V.A., High Taxes & too many Regulations, Border, Immigration & HealthCare problems, & much more. I had no choice but to work very long hours!”

Sources have referred to his loose calendar with nothing concrete on it as “easy time.” We know that Trump loves nicknames for everyone. Maybe he needs a new nickname, and one might fight well- “T-Rex.” Like the dinosaurs, his views on climate change and disregarding what is happening might lead to human’s demise.

In addition, Trump has small hands and arms like the T-Rex, and other than verbal jabs, has not been very successful in dealing with adversaries. Finally, it is a good acronym: Trump – Record Executive time, or T-Rex for short. We need to topple this T-Rex soon.

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