Bill Maher has completely jumped the shark

Bill Maher is once again trending on social media, this time because he’s siding with right wingers on immigration. It’s the latest development in which, issue by issue, ignorant statement by ignorant statement, conspiracy theory by conspiracy theory, Maher has gradually transformed into a right winger. He’s an anti-immigration anti-masker who compares liberal leaders to “Hitler” for daring to try to enact vaccine mandates and insists Hunter Biden’s imaginary laptop is a real scandal. Maher has basically become Donald Trump.

Now that Bill Maher has taken right wing positions on the majority of the issues, can we stop pretending he’s a fellow liberal who’s offering us hard truths? He pushed liberal views for decades, when it served his career. Now that he’s become redundant and his career is fading, he’s strategically pushing right wing views in order to keep himself relevant, even if only so enough liberals will hate-watch him to keep his ratings high enough to save his show from being canceled.

Can we just move on from this guy? He served his purpose, he had his heyday, and rather than fading gracefully, he’s strategically going full-on villain. He wants you to hate-watch his show. He wants you to angrily rage against him on social media so his name will trend, and he can show his TV show’s network bosses that his name is trending. Let’s stop giving it to him.

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