Beg your pardon

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There is zero chance that President Joe Biden will pardon Donald Trump just to get him to go away. That’s not a thing Biden would do to begin with. And with Trump having now declared a candidacy, there’s no way to trust that Trump would even honor an agreement to drop out in exchange for a pardon, even if it were legally binding. Trump is so far gone, he might just decide to “run” anyway for attention (which come to think of it, isn’t much different than what Trump is doing right now).

But by even so much as calling for Biden to pardon Trump, right wing pundits are giving away that they know that the DOJ is indicting Trump. We’re now at a point where Trump’s impending indictment is obvious enough, and inevitable enough, right wing pundits aren’t even bothering to try to deny that it’s coming.

So let’s take this for what it is. Even if the media latches onto the hypothetical idea of Biden pardoning Trump and tries to milk it for ratings by presenting it as something that is actually on the table, it’s still not going to be a real thing. What is real is that even right wing pundits are now de facto admitting that the DOJ is going to indict Trump, and that Trump will not be an actual participant in the 2024 election when we get to it.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report