Bad news for Matt Gaetz

There are some people who share a common trait. These people do not know each other. They come from all sorts of places and lead all kinds of lives. They can be as different from each other as night and day.

However ALL these people are bound together, in a sense, because of this one trait they all share. That trait is that most people find them utterly repulsive. One of those people is Matt Gaetz.

Or should I call him Matt hates because people in Florida are speaking out and the consensus seems to be that they find Matt Gaetz disgusting. I’m sure this news does not make the pompadoured pipsqueak at all happy given that he wanted to run for governor of Florida.

Alas, that is not to be although knowing Matt, he could try to run anyway because if there’s a bad decision to be made Gaetz, will make it. And in this new poll, his likability is at a whopping 21%! Congratulations Mattie. These are new and improved numbers in failure.

It’s not surprising when one thinks about it. Gaetz is the epitome of a spoiled brat. Only the really really extreme members of the Republican party would give him high approval. And this does show that the alt-right numbers are crumbling when one considers this new poll and the fact that over 50% of respondents said they did not like him.

In fact 57% of respondents disapprove of the job Matt Gaetz is doing. There is a reason for this. That reason is that Matt Gaetz doesn’t DO his job. Instead he does Podcasts and tweets a lot. That’s not a congressman, that’s somebody looking for a job as a shock jock. It’s no wonder that his disapproval numbers, along with his hair, are growing sky high.

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