As Robert Mueller closes in, Donald Trump’s underlings are now trying to send each other to prison

By all accounts, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is closing in on Donald Trump, and is preparing to make his big move after he sees what options he’s given for moving forward by the midterm election results. Of course that means Mueller is likely about to move against numerous Trump underlings as well, or at least the ones he hasn’t already taken down. With the clock ticking, Trump’s people are trying to send each other to prison.

First we learned that Donald Trump’s former campaign boss and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon sold out Trump’s oldest friend Roger Stone to Robert Mueller a few days ago. Then, after we learned today that Bannon and Stone had exchanged mutually incriminating emails during the Trump-Russia scandal, Stone published an op-ed for pro-Trump propaganda site Daily Caller, throwing Bannon under the bus. Make no mistake, these two men are taking steps aimed at sending each other to prison.

There’s a reason why a kingpin’s top underlings always inevitably turn on each other as the Feds move in on the kingpin. They figure a whole lot of people within their circle are about to go down, and they each hope that by selling each other out, they might somehow end up being the one who escapes without handcuffs. There also comes a point where the less naive ones understand that they’re all going down no matter what they do, and they begin acting on old grudges against each other while they still can.

Keep in mind that what we’re seeing play out from the likes of Stone and Bannon, two people who like to fight their battles in public, is only a small fraction of whatever is going on behind the scenes. Which of Donald Trump’s henchmen and/or family members might already be under sealed indictment? Which of them might have already secretly cut plea deals? Stay tuned, because we’re getting very close to the fireworks.

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