Roger Stone gives away that he’s going to be arrested

One day after Sam Nunberg made a mess for himself and his friend Roger Stone by giving one unhinged television interview about the Trump-Russia scandal after another, Stone tried to step to the plate today to put the fire out. Instead he made things worse for himself. Stone still doesn’t appear to have figured out that he’s going to prison for his role in the scandal – but he shared some details about the Mueller investigation which make clear that Stone is going to be arrested.

Nunberg revealed yesterday that he had been subpoenaed to turn over emails to a grand jury that Robert Mueller has going against Roger Stone and Julian Assange. This means that, assuming the grand jury sees things Mueller’s way, he’ll be indicting and arresting Stone any day now. When Stone appeared on MSNBC today, he revealed that he hasn’t heard a peep from Mueller thus far. No subpoenas. No requests for interviews or testimony. Stone seems to think this means he’s in the clear. Based on Mueller’s patterns, it means the precise opposite.

When it comes to the Trump-Russia figures who have been indicted and charged by Robert Mueller, the one thing they’ve all had in common is that Mueller never asked to interview them in advance. He’s interviewed dozens and dozens of Trump-Russia players overall. But he never did ask to interview the likes of George Papadopoulos or Paul Manafort before he decided to ruin their lives with an onslaught of criminal charges. The clear pattern is that Mueller only interviews people if he’s planning to give them a way out of going to prison, because he thinks their crimes are unimportant in relation to their value as potential cooperating witnesses.

So now we know that Robert Mueller is in the process of bringing criminal charges against Roger Stone, without having even bothered to give Stone the chance to come in and get himself off the hook by cooperating with the overall investigation. Maybe Mueller will offer Stone a plea deal after he busts him, and maybe he won’t. But it’s now clear that Mueller plans to indict and arrest Stone, rather than employing any kid gloves. Stone should be worried that he didn’t hear from Mueller. For those at the center of Trump-Russia, that’s always the worst possible sign.

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