Anthony Scaramucci reveals Donald Trump is “destabilizing”

This morning Donald Trump threatened to postpone the election – something he absolutely can’t do. It was so over the top that even the likes of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy quickly and loudly pushed back against it, making clear they wanted nothing to do with Trump’s mess.

By the afternoon, Trump was holding a hastily assembled press briefing, during which he had nothing to say in particular. When he was asked about his threat, he gave a rambling, tepid, confused answer and he sounded like he didn’t want to be there. So what was even going on?

Trump’s former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who has since become a harsh Trump critic, appeared on MSNBC this evening and revealed what’s really going on with Trump. Mooch said that Trump is “somebody that’s gotten pushed back pretty hard by the Republican caucus” and that the pushback is “destabilizing him.” Trump is a bully by nature, it’s the only tactic he knows, and on days like this he’s the one getting pushed around.

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