Andrew Cuomo slam dunks Donald Trump

Donald Trump, perhaps sensing that his already-slim odds of reelection are now collapsing, began viciously lashing out at just about everyone today – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo among them. Up to now, Cuomo has been firm toward Trump but fairly diplomatic. However, that changed today.

Trump posted a lengthy screed about Cuomo which read in part: “Governor Cuomo should spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining’. Get out there and get the job done. Stop talking! … Your numbers are not good. Less talk and more action!”

This is surreal, considering Trump has been doing nothing but talking, and Cuomo’s approval numbers are far better than Trump’s numbers. During his press conference today, Cuomo fired back at Trump: “If he’s sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up & go to work, right? Second, let’s keep emotion and politics out of this, and personal ego if we can. Because this is about the people and it’s about our job.”

If Donald Trump continues escalating this, our money is on Andrew Cuomo. He’s far more popular, far smarter, far more effective at leading, and we’re guessing he’s far better at winning a feud like this if he’s forced to go that route. Trump made a mistake by going after Cuomo like this. Trump’s mistakes are multiplying and accelerating.

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