America has moved on

For the past year and a half since Donald Trump left office, polling has consistently shown two things. First, only about half of Republican voters want Trump to be their 2024 nominee, meaning his future political prospects died on January 6th. Second, more than half of all Americans want Trump criminally prosecuted for January 6th. More recent polling has shown that more than half of all Americans also want Trump prosecuted for stealing classified documents.

Now we’re seeing data which reveals that mainstream Americans haven’t just moved on from Donald Trump, they’ve moved on from Trumpism. 58% of Americans now think that Trump’s political movement is “threatening America’s democratic foundations,” according to new Reuters polling. This means that a clear majority of Americans see Trump and his base as an enemy of America.

This has always been key. Trump’s base has always been small; by any measure it’s never represented more than about 15-20% of the nation. The problem is that far too many Americans outside of Trump’s base have refused to see Trump and his base as a problem. They’ve wanted to classify Trump’s psychotic fascism, and his base’s violent nature, as just another political point of view. But that’s clearly changing.

Finishing off Trump, and sending his base scurrying back under the rock from which they came, has always been about convincing the people in the middle that Trump and his base could not be tolerated. It’s taken all this time, but the numbers say we’re finally getting there.

We’re now at a point where nearly 60% of Americans consider Trump and his movement to be a threat to America. That’s important, because it means a clear majority of Americans are motivated to do something to make Trumpism go away. Now all we have to do is make them understand that the quickest way to finish off Trumpism is to vote for the Democrats in the midterms.

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