Here comes the Donald Trump abortion payoff scandal

Donald Trump has been accused of having so many affairs, and he and his allies have now been caught paying off so many women to keep quiet, we’ve all been waiting for one of these scandals to involve Trump paying for an abortion. This could be a real problem for Trump’s conservative evangelical base, which views anti-abortion as its top political priority. Now the attorney for Stormy Daniels appears to have sleuthed out that there is indeed a Trump-affair-abortion scandal right under our noses.

Earlier this month it was reported that Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen had arranged a $1.6 million payout to a woman who’d had an affair and an abortion. Republican National Committee finance chairman Elliott Broidy ended up acknowledging that he was the guy involved, and he resigned from the RNC. But now Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Stormy Daniels, is pointing to evidence that Broidy may have simply been taking the fall for Trump.

Even as Donald Trump was having his infamous meltdown on Fox & Friends on Thursday morning, Avenatti appeared on rival network MSNBC. He pointed out that when Michael Cohen was forced to name his clients in court, he did not name Elliott Broidy. Instead he named Donald Trump and Sean Hannity. By that time the affair-abortion-payoff scandal was already public, and there would have been no reason for Cohen to try to keep Broidy’s name out of it. So this suggests that Broidy isn’t really a client of Cohen, and that Broidy wasn’t the guy making the payout, and he was merely taking the fall for someone else.

That would only leave Donald Trump and Sean Hannity as the two possibilities. There is no known evidence of Hannity paying off mistresses, and there’s no reason to believe Broidy would the fall to protect Hannity. On the other hand, Trump has a clear history of doing paying off mistresses, so this would suggest that it was in fact Trump who paid off the woman with Cohen’s help. In other words, here comes the Donald Trump abortion payoff scandal. We all knew one would surface eventually.

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