Donald Trump goes berserk after John Kelly calls him an “idiot”

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This afternoon NBC News revealed that Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly has been going around calling Trump an “idiot” behind his back. Kelly is denying the remarks, even though this is coming from several inside sources. Now Trump is weighing in, and let’s just say that his response is somewhat less than rational, or coherent, or stable.

Here’s what Trump tweeted in response to the news: “The Fake News is going crazy making up false stories and using only unnamed sources (who don’t exist). They are totally unhinged, and the great success of this Administration is making them do and say things that even they can’t believe they are saying. Truly bad people!” Considering how often observers and pundits have referred to Trump as being “unhinged,” his use of the word here feels like a classic case of Trump projecting these things onto others.

Whatever you think of NBC News in general, there is no way they made up this story, or faked their sources. If John Kelly didn’t call Donald Trump an idiot, then the only other realistic possibility is that several of Kelly’s underlings have conspired to lie about it, which would mean there’s a whole other kind of problem in Trump’s failing White House. We’re left to wonder why this story is just now leaking today, when Kelly has reportedly been making these remarks behind Trump’s back for months.

In any case, John Kelly’s “idiot” remark about Trump comes after H.R. McMaster called Trump a “dope” and Rex Tillerson called Trump a “fucking moron.” Trump has since fired Tillerson and McMaster, not for insulting him, but for publicly speaking out against Russia. Once Trump finishes going berserk about it on Twitter, we’ll see if he fires Kelly or not. Our guess is Kelly will get to stay, as long as he doesn’t insult Trump’s boss Vladimir Putin.

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