The Mike Pence nightmare unfolds as Donald Trump unravels

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Three years ago, Mike Pence was Governor of Indiana. He became unpopular and remained out of touch with us Hoosiers. When re-election time rolled around, yard signs sprung up all over the state: PENCE MUST GO, NO MORE PENCE, FIRE PENCE and DUMP PENCE. That’s tough talk for Hoosiers. Pence was not going to be re-elected to a second term and was likely very happy to be picked as VP.

While he was our Governor, he signed a bill into law that would require women to arrange either a burial or cremation for a fetus. Pence also stopped a needle exchange program which caused an HIV epidemic in Scott County. He signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which allowed any person or business to discriminate against the LGBT community, based on religious beliefs. The immediate lost revenue was $60 million.

Pence gave a huge tax cut to Carrier to remain in Indiana but they left anyway, leaving the tax payers holding the bag of his cronyism. His Indiana tax cuts mirrored those of the recent US Tax Act; benefitting the rich and fooling the less affluent. Pence supported the most stringent state administered health care program in the country; the most punitive to low income families.

Mike Pence’s legislation was not well received. The RFRA was amended within a week. After “praying on it”, clean needles were made available without a prescription. A Federal court declared his fetus ruling unconstitutional. The tax cuts offer no benefits. Pence is a marginally intelligent man, living with “Mother” in a bubble of religious contortions, keeping that stupid smile on his face and trying to stay out of the big mess Donald Trump has created. He is sneaky, mean spirited and out of touch with the real world. He avoids conflicts and has no stomach for confrontation. He stands for nothing but religious zealotry. He could be our next President. Be afraid.

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