Donald Trump’s tweet about Great Britain murders the English language

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Donald Trump tried sounding “presidential” on Twitter on Saturday night, a sharp deviation from his tweet-rant earlier in the day in which he had referred to the majority of Americans as “stupid” and “fools” while defending Russia. Surprisingly enough, Trump’s late night tweet about Great Britain didn’t cause an international incident. But it did manage to murder the English language in the process.

Trump’s rare attempt at sounding like a non-maniac went like this: “I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!” Ah, where do we begin.

For starters, seasons aren’t capitalized. It should be “spring” not “Spring.” He’s far from the only one to make such a mistake, but it’s just the beginning of his troubles. Trump committed the cardinal sin of referring to Great Britain as “Britain” which isn’t really the name of anything; it’s not the kind of mistake that would be considered acceptable when announcing a diplomatic visit with the leader of the nation in question.

And finally, we’re pretty sure he split an infinitive with the whole awkwardly worded “look very much forward” attempt at sounding emphatic. These are mistakes which would have been caught if Trump were running any of his tweets by his handlers, who are presumably less illiterate than he is. These are mistakes most fifth graders wouldn’t make. So if you’re wondering if the “president-elect” is indeed smarter than a fifth grader…

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